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Packing & Unpacking: A Guide to Reading Binary Data in Ruby

Working with text is a lot easier than working with binary data…

…with text you can use regular expressions & methods like scan, match & gsub.

But if you want to work with binary data there is some extra work to do. That’s where the Array#pack & String#unpack methods come into play.

Let me show you some examples, starting with just a plain string & then moving on to more interesting stuff.

String to ASCII Values

This will convert every character in the string into a decimal value:

Notice the "c*" argument for unpack.

This is a “format string” which tells unpack what to do with the data. In this case, c means take one character & convert it into an integer value (the String#ord method also does this).

The asterisk * just says “repeat this format for all the input data”.

Hex to Integer

This format string takes 4 bytes of data & returns an integer. One thing to notice is that these bytes are in “little-endian” format.


I used first here because unpack returns an array.

Binary File Parsing

How do you read a binary file like an EXE, PNG or GZIP?

If you treat these like strings you will just see something that looks like random data…

ruby string pack

…but there is a documented structure for most of these file formats & the unpack method is what you would use to read that data and convert it into something useful.

Here is an example:

In this example, the binary data (represented in hexadecimal, which is way more compact than 1s & 0s) has a two-byte (16 bit) length field that contains the length of the following string. Then there is the string itself.

It is very common for binary files & binary network protocols to have a “length” field.

This tells the parser exactly how many bytes should be read (and yes, I know in this example I read both the length & the data in one step, that’s just to keep things simple).

There is also the bindata gem, which is built specifically to help you parse binary structures.

Here is an example:

Notice the read_length parameter. This will tell bindata to work out the length from the field, so this will save you a lot of work 🙂

So if you want to write a parser for any binary format, these are the steps:

  1. Find the specification for this format (if it’s not public you will have to reverse-engineer it, which is an entire topic on its own)
  2. Write a bindata class for every section of the file (you will usually find a header section first with metadata & then multiple data sections)
  3. Read the data & process it however you want (for example, in a PNG you could change the colors of the image)
  4. Profit!

If you want to see a full example of bindata in action take a look at my PNG parser on github.

Base64 Encoding

There is this type of encoding called “Base64”. You may have seen it before on a URL.

Looks something like this:

The double equals at the end is usually the tell-tale sign that you are dealing with Base64, although some inputs can result in the equals signs not being there (they are used as padding).

So why I’m telling you this, besides being a useful thing to know in itself?

Well it turns out that you can convert a string into Base64 using the pack method.

As you can see here:

In fact, this is the exact method used in the Base64 module from the standard library 🙂


In this post you learned about the pack & unpack methods, which help you work with binary data. It can be used to parse binary files, convert a string into ASCII values & Base64 encoding.

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